Sunday, November 11, 2007

Books I Haven't Read

In today's New York Times, Jay McInerney reviews a book called How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read. This blog is all about books I haven't read.

The professor, Pierre Broyard, says talking about books that you did not read constitutes "an authentic creative activity." Broyard says, the reviewer tells us, "All education should strive to help those receiving it to gain enough freedom in relation to works of art to themselves become writers and artists." I want to thank Professor Broyard for allowing me to engage creative activity without reading any of these books I have noted in this blog. I also like the idea that someone else is doing what I am doing--not reading particular books, but talking about them nonetheless. If we can extrapolate from my own experience, I'd say it was a social trend, since there's a book and a blog about books the authors haven't read.

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